Getting Started

Note: this series of pages from the Concept Map are each presented in the following format - an image, the four student-level questions, the program response, and a brief description of the activity. It is written to give both the student and the teacher an idea of what it would be like doing the program. Some pages in the series also have more detail available that explains the rationale, expands on the activity, or provides the resource used in 2003. The Design Projects, and ICT Project are covered in more detail and may be accessed from the index page.

what do I need to know?

How to create a ‘virtual presence’.

Awareness begins with the notion of 'who I am', and the design of our own webpage is a good way to not only think about the notion of our own identity, but to be feel comfortable with it. In previous programs like avec esprit, young people resisted having their photo on their page, but as the year developed they were constantly up-dating it with new photos and additions to what they had done. This activity is an equivalent of 'bringing work home from school' , but instead of just showing the folks at home, we are showing it to the world.

what can I do with it?

Prepare my own homepage.

what will I have when I have done it?

A space to display my skills and achievements.

what next?

Select a design project.